How to draw. Crazy cars & mad monsters like a pro
- 978-0-7603-2471-4
- Тип бумаги:
- офсетная
- Язык:
- английский
- Кол-во страниц:
- 145
- Переплет:
- мягкий
- Цветность:
- цветная
Товар успешно добавлен в корзину
Том Тейлор раскрывает методы, используемые художниками, в прошлом, чтобы создать сумасшедших и безумных монстров, и погружает нас в искусство 50-х и 60-х годов.
A Quick History
Tools & Media
Ellipses & Axes
Technique, Sketching & Line Quality
Light Source, Shadows & Reflections
Color & Chrome
Smoke, Flies, Warts, Drool & Bloodshot Eyes
Composition & Movement
Ed Newton Bio
Chapter three
- This will sound crazy, but you need to figure out perspective so that you can throw it away! Yes, this is one of many fundamentals that you’ll need to have a good handle on so you can violate it in most of the tortured, twisted, thrusting drawings you’ll do in this genre. Yes, you read that right! You see, most every aspect of your crazy car will be distorted and out of perspective. But it is this distortion—this cheating-most-of-the-rules look—that gives your cartoons direction, thrust, movement, and interest. It’s fun to try something you’re not supposed to do in the real world, and in the process give life and action to whatever it is that you draw. If you don’t know how to do it, you won’t know how to twist it, right? You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and so on and so forth, so stick with this.
- When placing an as-yet-to-be-drawn object on a flat plane, the horizon line will dictate the view, or eye level, of your object. An artist represents linear perspective by pointing all lines in this imaginary spate toward a vanishing point. The borders represent the limits to the space we are creating within it, and the rising sun represents the beginning of your journey to drawing cars properly.
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