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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Ford Full-Size Vans с 1969 по 1991 год выпуска. Модели оборудованные бензиновыми двигателями

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2568 руб.
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В данном руководстве рассмотрены эксплуатация и ремонт автомобиля Ford Full-Size Vans (Форд Фулсайз Вэнс) с 1969 по 1991 год выпуска. В книге описан ремонт автомобилей с бензиновыми двигателями.

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Если Вы ищете что подарить автомобилисту, то книга по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобиля стать замечательным подарком. Данное руководство поможет автовладельцам в ремонте и обслуживании своего автомобиля, и Вы можете быть абсолютно уверены, что Ваш подарок понравится и принесет практическую пользу.


Introductory pages
Tune-up and routine maintance
Six cylinder inline engines
V8 engines
General engine overhaul procedures
Cooling, heatig and air conditioning systems
Fuel and exhaust systems
Engine electrical systems
Emissions control systems
Manual transmission
Automatic transmission
Clutch and driveline
Steering and suspension systems
Classis electrical system
Wiring diagrams

Six cylinder inline engines

Manifolds — removal and installation


  • Remove the engine cover, air cleaner and related air cleaner components.
  • Disconnect the choke cable at the carburetor.
  • Disconnect the accelerator cable or linkage at the carburetor. Remove the accelerator return spring.
  • Remove the kickdown rod return spring and the kickdown shaft from its linkage at the carburetor.
  • Disconnect the fuel inlet line from the carburetor.
  • Disconnect the vacuum advance line for the distributor from the carburetor.
  • Disconnect the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold and support it out of the way.
  • Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum line from the intake manifold.
  • Remove the ten bolts and three nuts retaining the manifolds to the cylinder head. Separate the manifold assemblies from the engine.
  • Remove and scrape the gaskets from the mating surface of the manifolds. If the manifolds are to be replaced or changed, remove the nuts connecting the intake manifold to the exhaust manifold.


  • Install new studs in the exhaust manifold for the exhaust pipe.
  • If the intake and the exhaust manifolds have been separated, coat the mating surfaces with graphite grease. Place the exhaust manifold over the studs on the intake manifold. Connect the two with the lock-washers and nuts. Tighten the nuts finger tight.
  • Install a new intake manifold-to-head gasket.
  • Coat the mating surfaces lightly with graphite grease. Place the manifold assemblies against the mating surface of the cylinder head, making sure that the gaskets are positioned correctly. Install the washers, bolts and nuts finger tight and make sure everything is aligned correctly. Tighten the nuts and bolts to the specified torque in order (see illustration). Tighten the exhaust-to-intake manifold nuts to the specified torque (if they were removed).

Nuts and bolts of manifold

Manifold bolt / nut tightening sequence

  • Attach a new gasket to the exhaust pipe and fasten the pipe to the exhaust manifold.
  • Attach the crankcase vent hose to the intake manifold inlet tube and tighten the hose clamp.
  • Attach the fuel line to the carburetor.
  • Install the distributor vacuum hose on the fitting at the carburetor.
  • Connect the accelerator cable to the carburetor and install the return spring. Connect the choke cable to the carburetor and adjust the choke.
  • Install the bellcrank assembly and kickdown rod return spring.
  • Adjust the transmission control kickdown linkage as described in Chapter 7.
  • Install the air cleaner. Readjust the engine idle speed and idle fuel mixture as described in Chapter 4.

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